Joomfish compatibility

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Joomfish compatibility

Message par zoe »

I'm sorry for writing in English but I don't speak French :)

I love this component and the only thing missing for me is compatibility with Joomfish. It would be great if we could translate items into other languages.

I'm looking forward to this :D

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Re: Joomfish compatibility

Message par steevo »


This is planed but not done yet.
And I don't know when we could do that. It's not in the top of the todo list for the moment.
Sorry. But if you want to do it, you're welcome!

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Re: Joomfish compatibility

Message par mylonojr »

steevo a écrit :Hello,

This is planed but not done yet.
And I don't know when we could do that. It's not in the top of the todo list for the moment.
Sorry. But if you want to do it, you're welcome!
I would also like to apologize for using English but unfortunately I don't speak French.
The reason I'm writng is to ask for content elements for joomfish too (since "Collector is quite unique) but also to ask you to take a look at the one I have made myself for the table "jos_collector_items_values" which doesn't seem to work and make any necessary corrections.

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<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="utf-8"?>

<joomfish type="contentelement">

  <name>Collector Items Values</name>

  <author>cOOL_t - [email protected]</author>


  <description>Definition for Collector Items Values</description>


  	<table name="collector_items_values">
  		<field type="referenceid" name="id" translate="0">ID</field>
	  <field type="htmltext" name="value" translate="1">Title</field>



Thank you in advance.

PS. The ones I made for tables "jos_collector" and "jos_collector_fields" seem to work fine.

PPS. for the friend who started the post I am including the two xml files I have made hoping he finds them useful.
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Re: Joomfish compatibility

Message par steevo »


thank you for trying to make those files.
I tried to understand why it doesn't work with table jos_collector_items_values but i can't.
I'm working on a new version of collector. Database structure will change in this version.
jos_collector and jos_collector_fields will not change but others will be alter.

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Enregistré le : lun. 14 mars 2011 21:15

Re: Joomfish compatibility

Message par mylonojr »

steevo a écrit :Hi,

thank you for trying to make those files.
I tried to understand why it doesn't work with table jos_collector_items_values but i can't.
I'm working on a new version of collector. Database structure will change in this version.
jos_collector and jos_collector_fields will not change but others will be alter.
This is great news. Looking forward to the new version.

BTW, will it be possible to upgrade directly from v0.41 (thus retaining the data) or it will be necessary to make a clean installation and enter all information from the beginning?

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Re: Joomfish compatibility

Message par steevo »

mylonojr a écrit : BTW, will it be possible to upgrade directly from v0.41 (thus retaining the data) or it will be necessary to make a clean installation and enter all information from the beginning?
For each new version, i integrate an upgrade procedure to be transparent for users.
So you will upgrade from 0.4.1 and retain your data.
