Mass import etc.

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Enregistré le : dim. 24 juil. 2011 09:30

Re: Mass import etc.

Message par mazzo »

steevo a écrit :Hi.
For the moment, i am on holidays. I will give you the script with explaination after August the 15th.
Any news?


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Re: Mass import etc.

Message par steevo »

Hi and sorry for the late answer.

You need an excel file with your data in the first sheet.
the first row for identify columns and each row is an item.
each column is a field of your collection.

So you have to download phpexcel here:
Extract the files in a directory for example phpexcel.
And in the same directory you have to put the file joined (extract first).
(1.51 Kio) Téléchargé 9775 fois
in this file, you have to put your database parameters at the beginning.
line 16, fill with your collection id (in backend the list of collections)

after in the SWITCH instruction, create a case for each column (first column is 0) and in the case you call a function to insert data. The functions are declared after line 100.

if the field is text, image, file or number, you have to declare function like "traiter_ref" and change the field id with your own value.

if the field is defined field, declare a function like "traiter_fabricant" and change the field id with your own value.

Am I clear ?

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Enregistré le : dim. 24 juil. 2011 09:30

Re: Mass import etc.

Message par mazzo »

Thank you so much steevo.
Now...I give it a try and I hope to understand everything.
Thank you again for your help.

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Enregistré le : mar. 4 oct. 2011 16:25

Re: Mass import etc.

Message par texsuisse »

Hi, Steevo,

I am putting this component to good use! I I also need to load items from a spreadsheet, so I'm really happy that you made this script available. Thanks!



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Enregistré le : jeu. 7 juil. 2016 13:54

Re: Mass import etc.

Message par miettja »


I would also like to use this mass import script, but I'm not able to download this zip files. Is there something else I should do?

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Re: Mass import etc.

Message par steevo »

miettja a écrit :Hi,

I would also like to use this mass import script, but I'm not able to download this zip files. Is there something else I should do?

What is the problem ? normally you are allowed to download the zip file.
I'm working on the version 0.7 that will include in the admin panel this mass import functionnality.

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Re: Mass import etc.

Message par Theo »

steevo a écrit : I'm working on the version 0.7 that will include in the admin panel this mass import functionnality.
I Can't wait to use it, as I have an Excel file containing 28.000 items.... :shock:

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Re: Mass import etc.

Message par Theo »


I downloaded the file excel.php but it is empty?? !!!

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Re: Mass import etc.

Message par steevo »

I will give you a beta version in few days.
You first have to create your collection with your fields.
And in your Excel file, all rows should be in the first page, one field by column.
Just few days to wait ;-)

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Enregistré le : mer. 8 févr. 2017 12:29
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Re: Mass import etc.

Message par Theo »

You're a great guy ! :D :D :D
